
Gradina semi-publica/ Semi-public garden

Propunem o gradina minimalista destinata unei folosinte colective, cu o suprafata de aprox. 600mp. Este o gradina ce nu are nevoie de ingrijiri speciale, atat dimp cat primeste soare mai mult de jumatate de zi. Vegetatia propusa este autohtona: arbori fructiferi (cires), nucul, castanul. Plante utilizate precum lavantica si ierburile ornamentale dau un parfum salbatic unui spatiu construit riguros.

We propose a minimalistic garden for colective usage, with an area of aprox. 600mp. It is a low-maintenance garden, that does not require any special attention as long as it gets the sun it needs, for more than one half of day. The proposed vegetation is mostly indigenous, such as: the cherry tree, walnut tree, chestnut tree. Used plants such as lavender and ornamental herbage, give the place a wild perfume to a rigorously built space.
Hope you like!
Adina & Gabriel

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