Maniere de reprezentare in desenul de peisagistica
Drawing on the landscape architectural varies from architectural drawings through colors and textures. Even when drawing a ground floor plan it has to be vibrant and express a state. Surely, it starts with a concept, a color, an idea sketched on paper before you reach the final design. In this article I will illustrate several ways or techniques of landscape design representation to show both the approach and the many techniques that deserve experienced before adopting a particular style and technique to reprezent you.
I think there isn't any correct answer to the question: how to start a landscaping? Is it with the plan, section or three-dimensional image. The fact is that all three dimensions must be considered simultaneously, and most importantly tailored to site requirements / existence.
No matter how you want to start, it is essential to represent the way that you are most comfortable with. For starters I will illustrate techniques such as hand drawing, ink, pen / Flaur and watercolor. Drawing by hand will always express plasticity, and regardless of the solution it will draw the viewer into a state of closeness and warmth. This type of design is especially recommended to show ideas in a development concept, to express the atmosphere of the space created.
Desenul in peisagistica se diferentiaza de cel arhitectural prin culoare si texturi. Chiar si cand desenezi un plan de amenajare trebuie sa fie vibrant si sa exprime o stare. Sigur ca totul porneste de la un concept, o culoare, o idee de inceput pe care o schitezi pe hartie inainte de a ajunge la amenajarea propriu-zisa. Am sa exemplific in acest articol mai multe maniere sau tehnici de reprezentare in desenul din peisagistica pentru a arata atat demersul cat si multitudinea de tehnici ce merita experimentate inainte de a adopta un stil anume si tehnica ce te reprezinta.
Drawing on the landscape architectural varies from architectural drawings through colors and textures. Even when drawing a ground floor plan it has to be vibrant and express a state. Surely, it starts with a concept, a color, an idea sketched on paper before you reach the final design. In this article I will illustrate several ways or techniques of landscape design representation to show both the approach and the many techniques that deserve experienced before adopting a particular style and technique to reprezent you.
I think there isn't any correct answer to the question: how to start a landscaping? Is it with the plan, section or three-dimensional image. The fact is that all three dimensions must be considered simultaneously, and most importantly tailored to site requirements / existence.
No matter how you want to start, it is essential to represent the way that you are most comfortable with. For starters I will illustrate techniques such as hand drawing, ink, pen / Flaur and watercolor. Drawing by hand will always express plasticity, and regardless of the solution it will draw the viewer into a state of closeness and warmth. This type of design is especially recommended to show ideas in a development concept, to express the atmosphere of the space created.
Desenul in peisagistica se diferentiaza de cel arhitectural prin culoare si texturi. Chiar si cand desenezi un plan de amenajare trebuie sa fie vibrant si sa exprime o stare. Sigur ca totul porneste de la un concept, o culoare, o idee de inceput pe care o schitezi pe hartie inainte de a ajunge la amenajarea propriu-zisa. Am sa exemplific in acest articol mai multe maniere sau tehnici de reprezentare in desenul din peisagistica pentru a arata atat demersul cat si multitudinea de tehnici ce merita experimentate inainte de a adopta un stil anume si tehnica ce te reprezinta.
Nu cred ca exista un raspuns corect la intrebarea: de unde pornesc o amenajare? de la plan, sectiune sau de la imaginea tridimensionala. Cert este ca pentru o amenajare toate cele trei dimensiuni trebuie gandite concomitent, si cel mai important adaptate la cerintele sitului/ existentului.
Indiferent cum doresti sa incepi, este esential modul de reprezentare cu care esti cel mai confortabil. Pentru inceput am sa exemplific desenul de mana in tehnici precum- tus, carioca/ flaur si acuarela. Desenul de mana va exprima intotdeauna plasticitate, si indiferent de solutia propriu-zisa va atrage privitorul intr-o stare de apropiere si caldura. Acest tip de desen este recomandat in special pentru a arata ideile de concept intr-o amenajare, dar mai ales pentru a exprima atmosfera spatiului creat.
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Plan tus | carioca | acuarela |
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Sectiuni tus | carioca | acuarela |
And then I will show how the same design can look in a technical manner, realistic, plastic or by using different computer programs. Technical drawing can convey a very strong invitation to the trained eye in reading landscape / urban plans/ maps. Sections are best suited for this type of manner adopted. (both stairs and 1:1000, and 1: 100, 1:50) And Plastic manners realistic prove valuable for any piece (plan, section, performed, axonometric, perspective, technical detail) used in the ladscape project.
Iar ulterior, voi arata cum acelasi desen poate arata intr-o maniera tehnica, plastica sau realistica utilizand diferite programe pe calculator. Desenul tehnic poate transmite o invitatie foarte puternica ochiului antrenat in citirea de planuri peisagistice/ urbanistice. Sectiunile se preteaza cel mai bine pentru acest tip de maniera adoptata. (atat la scari precum 1:1000, cat si 1: 100, 1:50) Iar manierele plastica si realistica se dovedesc valoroase pentru orice tip de piesa (plan, sectiune, desfasurata, axonometrie, perspectiva, detaliu tehnic) folosita in proiectul de peisagistica.
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plan auto-cad | photoshop |
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